Friday, October 7, 2011

How to "Bum out" a bum

As I waited in line for a movie, there was a couple with a stroller and a third, male adult standing at an ATM.

I had quit smoking, but damn I needed one.  So just as the third party with the family lit a cigarette, I took a deep breath and walked toward him to ask politely if I may break my "no smoking" policy and have one of his cigs.  As he pulled out his pack of Broncos, and reluctantly said, "I guess..." when I asked him if I may have occured to me: "He isn't with that family, he is a homie getting ready to hit them up for cash once they are done at the ATM!"

Smart homie as he may be, he had me fooled into believing he was with the family.  I got a free smoke, and because I distracted him- he was unable to beg them for money.

This has been your first lesson on "Bumming out a Bum"