San Diego is a new home. More specifically, I could set up camp in La Jolla and never look back. I have always been a Colorado girl, and I even found a special place in Germany that held my heart for years after I had left. San Diego was my pace immediately.
I have to admit, I made fun of California, and more importantly Californians for years before I had ever even been. All of that changed over the course of this last weekend.
I saw wild seals within 20 minutes of getting off of the shuttle from the airport. Hundreds of them, and I couldn't stop running up and down the beach yelling at them. I'm sure they were totally confused, and the "seal calls" didn't bring them any closer to me. Fail. Well, partial fail because I saw them, my whole goal of kissing their cute lips probably never would have happened no matter how hard I tried.
Sea World, despite the constant worry that it is criminal to have those animals in captivity, was amazing. I was inches away from WHALES which I had never seen before. I could have touched the seals if I weren't afraid, dolphins, sea otters (one of my favorites), I held a starfish, pet the bat rays. I saw and did more in one day than I could have ever imagined.
He and I met with his colleagues after a nap on Sea World day. They were all at a local Mexican restaurant and they were already tuned up at 10 pm. So "tuned up", in fact, that the bar had cut them off an hour prior and they were still dancing their asses off. He and I drank margs until we were caught up. We went to a club, yes that's a club. I danced and sang, and drank until drunk. I smoked hookah with Armenian drug cartel across the street, and then we stumbled down to the sandy beaches of La Jolla. Gravity being my biggest challenge (due to excessive amounts of Tequila) I slowly made it down a cliff face to find the most beautiful private beach I can imagine in all of existence. I played in the ocean, fell in the ocean, swam out of the ocean, for hours. My jeans were soaked, and I was so drunk and cold I made my way back to the hotel in my underwear. Good thing Sherry told me to buy some, normally I skip that step...any hoooo
Toe Mahs tattoo'd my peacock on Saturday, for four hours. I can't believe that I have as much left on this piece as I do. It is beautiful, but every time we work on it, I realize how much there is left . 30 hours in, and I'd be willing to bet we have just as much left to go. Dear Lord...what have I gotten myself into?
Perhaps another trip to San Diego.... :)
This was the first picture I took in San D. Coincidentally, it was the last.
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