Monday, May 23, 2011

HE discovers a way to passenger a skateboard companion

This weekend redefined family outing, bonding, teamwork and tenacity.  My guy discovered that with a very long longboard and his 20+ years of thrash experience that he could, in fact, passenger a smaller companion at the front of his board as he skates.

First he tried it with the older of the two girls, the seven year old- who quite frankly, will try anything with a smile on her face and with no hesitation for posterity.  The younger of the two, however, is prone to digging in her heels whenever asked to do something.  (*NOTE: She will even resist if you are telling her to do something in her own favor, like, "Take this popsicle," or "Here, play with your new toy," she simply will not comply. 
I think after seeing her big sister do something SO cool, she wanted to try...and after a small crash, and a minor scare- This is the end result...

I watch this man skate hard, because he's amazing, and loves to show me how good he is at stuff.  Let's face it...every girl wants to see how impressive her guy is.  Every guy wants his girl to see him at his best.  But now to watch him as Skate-Dad, I have an even higher appreciation for the love I have for hisself.

Oooh la la.

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