Saturday was a scorcher. HE and I slept in, until 9! Yes, big deal. A weekend without the kids which was just a last minute arrangement for Mother's day meant that we had all weekend to play, well, like big kids! We met with Dad in Arvada at arguably the coolest park I've ever been. We played 18 holes of frisbee golf on the same frisbee course where my dad almost lost his ear. *In the short time since his attack, he has managed to heal so well that you can hardly see a scar. If you are going to get stiches- I recommend the ER at Lutheran* I love to learn new things, but often buckle under pressure. Playing frisbee golf with two advanced players, and having people both ahead of me to keep up with, and behind me pushing me to go faster really put the pressure on. Naturally, I choked. Second hole and my frisbee was down the ditch and sunk to the bottom of the creek bed. In Arvada the water in the ditch doesn't run clear, I wouldn't drink it and I was hesitant to get in to retreive my poor shot- but alas, I took my shoes off, rolled up my jeans and got to it. Second shot went straight down the creek about 50 feet and sank to the bottom yet again. I got a 2 over par on that particular hole, and bombed it straight into the creek on hole three before asking my dad for a little assist. He was able to give me some pointers that helped me maintain an even 1over par on each hole. By the 17th (one of the holes has been taken off of the course due to innocent by-standing cars) Dad was 4 over, HE was 5 over and I....was at a solid 19. Ugh. Frisbee gets me again. Thanks to Dad, I improved after the first five holes, but the damage was done at that point....oh and the meltdown on hole 17 was measurable.
Afterward we enjoyed lunch at Little Anitas before heading back to the house for a three hour skate session. What a joy to do something that I'm increasingly good at! I mean, I'm pushing all over the city, and only improving on my carving. Dad got a call, and was notified it was time to get back to work. After three weeks of time spent- it was time to get back on the road, but this time together will leave a mark in my heart for the rest of my life. It is never too late to spend quality time with Dad. I'm so happy about that time spent, I reflect regularly on it.
After Dad said goodbye to HE and I, I had a few minutes to clean up and get ready to go watch our friend race out in Erie. He has been training for about three months for the novice motorcycle flat track races. Ben and the amazing Deb own a clothing and screen print operation here in Denver and have been dear friends with my guy for years. I'm fortunate to call them pals myself. Though, one unfortunate evening, after drinking too much- I threw up in his Screen Print dryer...not one of my prouder moments- but it was years ago and I'm hoping they thought it was someone else... or perhaps they forgot after Kitty escorted me curbside to deal with my fate. *Loser* Anyhooo- Ben won both of his races, which made our entire day complete. Frisbee golf, mexican food for lunch, skateboarding, motorcycle race and of course...the SUNBURN.

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