Monday, May 23, 2011

It's the end of the world as "they" know it...

I've read, heard, and thought about a lot concerning the May 21st fiasco, and I think I'm finally ready to write from my headspace what I THINK about it all.

A few things struck me as concerning while talking about the potential apocalypse, and what would happen afterward.  If you (the reader) do not already know this, you will forever more know that I am a Christian.  A follower of Christ.  I chose this only after denouncing my faith as an adult (seventeen year old know-it-all) and trying to create happiness through everything else on earth.  Money, drugs, "love", alcohol, sleep, food, etc.  Once invited back to church it was a game-changer for me.  I needed direction, and it had been there all along.  A place of peace, and a message of hope and love that I can carry with me everyday that will not change during times of distress, familial turmoil, dating woes, money complications, or any other horror story we live through day to day.

For those of you who do not believe, I do not blame you- because at one point in my life, I also did not "buy it".  I've heard the questions "Why do bad things happen to good people?"  "Why would a loving God not take everyone?" "What about the people who die before the rapture, will they never have a chance?"  I cannot answer these questions, as I am under qualified.  He has shown me loving-kindness and I see him do the same for people around me daily who are incapable of counting a single blessing.

Now that I have that out of the way, it's time for me to tell the world just how I feel about being scoffed at as either one of the "idiots", "good kids", "saved ones", and all of the other names I have heard of referring to the believers that would in fact ascend should the apocalypse happen.

Fact one: (for non-believers this might come as a surprise) Christians are not brilliant.  They are not perfect.  They are not even all that good.  They just believe in something that is bigger than they are (Jesus) who served more people than I could ever hope to serve.  I'm still not all that good most of the time, but I know where I get my strength to try to be better...

Back to "Christians not being brilliant"- it is important to know that the man (Christian) who predicted the rapture was in fact, an idiot.  If he knew his text, he would realize that the rapture has been promised to happen like "A thief in the night".  In other words, God has promised that no one will know when it is going to happen.  After all of the publicity that guy created, don't you think it would be dumb of Good Ole' God to throw in the towel on all of the other promises he has made, and just let 1/6 of the world population know about it?  Unfortunate example of another one of us boneheads trying to tell other people what to do instead of just showing faith.  I am not putting my retirement into billboards, I'll tell you that much.  I don't even want to scare you into salvation.  Perhaps, if I'm lucky, I will make a positive impact in the lives of many regardless of their religious preference.

For those people who boasted "End of the World Parties" (to which I was invited to ZERO) I hope your hangover was bad on Sunday...not nice?  That is the human in me, not the Christian.
Newsflash: People have been predicting the end of the world- since the beginning of the world. (See previous post re: Signs of the Times)  It is in our nature, and not at all surprising that we spend so much of our time trying to predict something that is completely unpredictable.  Now, we still have to get through the Mayan calendar disaster, but after this last big let down, I think I'm going to spend less time caring about stock market predictions, the rapture, the economic crumble, massive earthquakes, burning man, and coronary heart disease, and start to worry about the stuff that really matters.  Let the Good Lord take me when he just better not be too soon {{{shakes fist at sky}}}

I truly, would have been miffed had it all ended, because I have so much I still want to do with my life.  Please stop comparing me to you and you to me.  I am just a girl who believes in a good God, and hopes to be better tomorrow than I am today.

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